Wednesday, October 14, 2009
London Bridges falling down
Coming home from Spain I got stuck in the London Heathrow airport overnight. On the plane from Spain to London, the pilot told us (exact words) that "{aproximatted departure time to leave for London Heathrow would a while" The plane uproared with laughter as this is very typically Spanish. My connection was tight and I ended up not making it. After running around the airport for an hour in London trying to find a rep. for the airline that made me missed my flight I finally found a middle aged woman about to close her desk. I told her my story and she gave me coupons for a hotel and some food. WHAT AN ADVENTURE! I was pumped and it could have been the crummiest hotel in the world for all I cared, but it wasn't it was gorgeous. And as my mom flipped out back in the USA I was having the time of my life in this lush London hotel. It would have been enough just to be safe, but of course God provided above and beyond anything I could have thought up. It was just experience after experience as I continued into the airport and while waiting for the plane found a pound(the British currency) on the floor as if it had been placed there for me( and I knew who had done it) :) I was even more blessed as when I went to go get on my plane the next morning I saw that my ticket had been bumped up to first class. God provides and even though it was stressful, it was just another adventure for me and the icing on the whole experience.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Adventures in Madrid and second half of camp
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I´m inspired by the street performers. The opera singer who humbles her glorious voice for small change on the streets of Sol. Maybe to feed a child or two or maybe she just has nowhere to go. Her voice is lost but not forgotton in my memory. I´m inspired.
The people here; they are friendly, they are generous, but most of all they enjoy life in all its frivolity. They enjoy the highs, they embrace to lows.
Inspired by the children who wildly run free. No boundries, no fear they take a step beyond. They look at me, their faces brightly smiling. They know, I know. They want a friend, they hunger for attention and I give it to them willingly. My tired eyes and weakend body are strong for them, strong in you.
Laughing trying to communicate. Why don´t you understand me? I´m inspired. They scream, they run, they jump, they play, but will they ever know the way? Will they ever know me? Who am I anyways? Am I worthy of their affection? I´m just the pigon with one leg.
I stumble through this experience not knowing where I am heading, yet still confident and bold in my final destination. Inspired to move ahead, to keep pushing, to reach for the unknown and the forgotton. I´m inspired to love.
To love life, to love people. I must indulge and enjoy these moments, for they pass so quickly. The good the bad, the highs and the lows. I love them all.
I hold tight to the passion from the Spanish people. A kiss on both cheeks. I´m just inspired. Hello and goodbye; tomorrow is a new day and all the old has passed away. Lost but not forgotton: Here I stand. Here I am Lord, send me.
I´m inspired.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Photos finally!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Chicos de Broadway
Coming home to a Sunrise
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Embracing Culture, Memories, Prayer
We also got to visit the most famous flamenco school in Spain! It was even more special because Lilli (my house mother) used to take classes there and teach. She hasn´t visited there for a very long time and it was so wonderful to see her face light up when she saw old friends. She reminised about the streets and the local restaurants she had spent so much precious time in. It was such a priviledge to go there with her. The school had such and interesting atmosphere and ironically enough the name of the school is Amor de Dios or in English, Love of God.
The culture is thrown full force at me here in Spain, we do say we are living the Spainish lifestyle, but without the siesta. Yet it has been wonderful giving my all to this camp, the children and this sweet family everyday. I am constantly blessed back a thousand times more.
God is good, I am doing well and am ready for another week of camp!
Please pray for :
Hector and Lilli (for rest and encouragement with the ministry at Aslan)
The children
The workers both American and Spainish (rest and to show unconditional love to the kids)
Safety (I am safe but have to be reminded I am in a different culture)
One thing about pictures: I can no longer post pictures ofthe children on my blog or anyother site because their parents did not release this permission. All the photos I have taken ad the other workers have taken will be on the Aslan website as soon as possible:
STILL i will post pictures asap of other experiences in Spain whenever possible!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Chicos de Broadway
The main purpose of the camp is to get the children interested in the arts as such: music, dance, painting and theatre. For most of them it´ll be their first experience with some of these artistic disciplines. Our second objective is to help them develop their aesthetic sensitivity by exposing them to various activities retated with the arts in a relaxed and playful manner. The central activity in the camp is the production of a small musical with all the participants called "Chicos de Broadway." It has been an extremely eciting but long long week chasing after children and spending time at the studio. I take ballet, hip hop and flamenco classes during the night . I am ready for the weekend and I thank God its Friday! I am ready to relax from this wonderfully blessed week and enjoy Spain.
Keep watch for pictures soon! I am still trying to figure out how to upload them to this computer...
Hope all is well back home, thank you all for your sweet prayers and support! :)
Monday, June 22, 2009
Up winding steps I make my way up to a small apartment loft, where Lucy, my roomate and I will be staying. We each have our own room sharing a bathroom and we share a BEAUTIFUL TERRACE! Wow, what a blue sky! I have already spent almost every morning out there and it is beoming a favorite spot as it provides both sun and a great view of the active Spanish community we live in. Right now is a good time to relax, Hector says, as the camp starts Wednesday! We have a lot of work ahead of us and will rarely have this much time.
So here I am España! I will now enjoy the sun, eat an apricot and listen to the pumping rap battle going on outside my window...after all, it is only 2am in España!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Packing my heart
I have finished packing all my belongings as of last night and I am set financially to leave for my 9:30 flight out of Logan tomorrow night. Sunscreen, check. Dance wear, check. Clothes, check. But is my heart truly prepared to go on this adventure to Spain? In these past few weeks I have been constantly reminded that is is not my work that is to be done, but of course God's. "For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose"(Philippians 2: 13). I have struggled with how bold I wanted this blog to be, but how can I NOT be bold and so very excited about what God is doing in my life and the ministry in Spain through the Aslan Performing Arts Center. This is simply who I am, not always as openly outward about my faith, yet still always straining to live a life of love. Most of all, may my words match my actions. I will blog as much as possible during my 5 weeks, but have no idea how much time my schedule will alow. Still, I will try :)
First of all, I want to thank everyone for supporting me financially, prayerfully and just plain lovingly as I approach my depart to Spain. The pancake breakfast was a success and it was so wonderful to see everyone's stuffed, but friendly faces. Also financially I am now completely provided for and any other funding will go to my trip with my family and Eliot Baptist Church to Guatemala from Aug. 6 to the 17th. It will then go to my trip to Holland (which I will hopefully be leaving by Sept. 24). All these trips, I will elaborate on at a later date, but for now I am preparing for Spain. Carefully wrapped in the love and provisions God provides: My heart is packed away and ready to depart.
Here is the website for the center: