Wednesday, October 14, 2009

London Bridges falling down

First off- To all my dear family and friends that followed my blog, sorry it has been so long. Life happens and I have talked a lot with some of you individually about the experiences I've been having but here is a contunation and completion of my travel journal:

Coming home from Spain I got stuck in the London Heathrow airport overnight. On the plane from Spain to London, the pilot told us (exact words) that "{aproximatted departure time to leave for London Heathrow would a while" The plane uproared with laughter as this is very typically Spanish. My connection was tight and I ended up not making it. After running around the airport for an hour in London trying to find a rep. for the airline that made me missed my flight I finally found a middle aged woman about to close her desk. I told her my story and she gave me coupons for a hotel and some food. WHAT AN ADVENTURE! I was pumped and it could have been the crummiest hotel in the world for all I cared, but it wasn't it was gorgeous. And as my mom flipped out back in the USA I was having the time of my life in this lush London hotel. It would have been enough just to be safe, but of course God provided above and beyond anything I could have thought up. It was just experience after experience as I continued into the airport and while waiting for the plane found a pound(the British currency) on the floor as if it had been placed there for me( and I knew who had done it) :) I was even more blessed as when I went to go get on my plane the next morning I saw that my ticket had been bumped up to first class. God provides and even though it was stressful, it was just another adventure for me and the icing on the whole experience.

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